Online Family Program Schedule

Welcome to Renaissance Ranch Family Addiction Recovery Education Groups

(Our classes are free, most are open to the public 18 and older, and all family groups are provided at no charge)

  • We understand the pain of family members who are dealing with addiction. We are here to give you hope through recovery resources and solutions that work.
  • Addiction is chronic, progressive, and potentially fatal. We recognize addiction as a family illness and the principles of recovery as the framework to healing families.
  • Research indicates almost 80% higher likelihood of long-term sobriety when family members also engage in the recovery process.

Thank you to those who attended the Quarterly Family Addiction Recovery Webinar!

View all family program addiction webinars here:

Every Tuesday

Spouse & Personal Perspective

Eric and Hailey Kandell
Tuesday 6:30 MST

384 South 400 West, Suite 125
Lindon, Utah

*Open class/Hybrid/Online/Live/Zoom

Meeting ID: 86480545609
Passcode: 797152
Parent/Codependent/Diversity Perspective

Chris and Heidi Nielson
Tuesday 6:30 MST


*Open class

Meeting ID: 996 9033 5035
Passcode: 288129

Every Wednesday

Parent/Codependent Perspective

Rick and Christine Dixon
Wednesday 6:30 MST

*Open class/Online/Zoom

Meeting ID: 998 3366 6159
Password: 314318

Every Thursday

Women’s Only Group

Deanna Palma
Thursday 12:00 MST

*Open class/Online/Zoom

Meeting ID: 972 5983 2414
Passcode: 936308

Couples Recovery Group

Alumni Couples Recovery Group
Jake and Autumn Ferguson
Thursday 6:30MST

*Closed group for current clients and their family members.

*Closed group for current clients and their family members.

*Hybrid: Online & Live; *Open: RR family/public, *Closed: Residential clients’ families only

“Our family has struggled with several children who have been deep in addiction for many years. We have earnestly sought help at over a dozen treatment programs. Sadly, this had very little impact on our addicts and was virtually no help at all for us, the family members. Renaissance Ranch has changed our lives! We learned through their amazing family program that healing is possible, for ALL of us, if we are willing to work on our recovery just as our addicts must work theirs! Our journey of family recovery has been our greatest blessing.”

– Carolyn
A Letter to Family & Guests
Dear RR Community Family Members,

We are looking forward to getting to know you. Your participation and support in your addicted loved one’s life have tremendous impact on their recovery! Thank you for encouraging him to find help and for your desire to support. We know addiction strains relationships and understand firsthand the deep pain of family members. Addiction is chronic, progressive, and potentially fatal. Addiction is a serious enslaving mid-brain disease with the capacity to take away the human will; yet there is great hope!

We urge you to carefully consider the actions you can take that will dramatically increase the likelihood of success for your family towards peace from the despair of addiction. The long-term sobriety of your addicted loved one will be impacted exponentially by your willingness to become educated about addiction from a family member perspective.

We welcome all family members 18 and older to join our family groups in person or online to gain knowledge of recovery principles and practices. You will become a more effective and healthy support person which will reduce relational “triggers” that often contribute to cravings (emotional bleeding) and perpetuate the cycle of addiction.

Historically (and typically), only the addicted family member has been targeted for treatment and support; however, many studies claim that the inclusion of family members and other significant people in the patient’s treatment program are perceived as critical to continued recovery (Carten,1996). According to research, family support for a loved one in addiction increases the chances he/she will remain in treatment, adhere to treatment recommendations, and have a higher likelihood of maintaining long term sobriety (DeCivita, Dobkin, and Robertson, 2000).

We know the opposite of addiction is not sobriety, but meaningful human connection!

Besides trauma, the often cited #1 reason for relapse back into addiction is relationship conflict which almost always involves the spousal or parental relationship. Family members do not cause addiction, can’t control, or cure addiction; however, they can contribute (unknowingly) to the cycle through negative, codependent behaviors.

*The best thing we can do for our addicted loved one is to work on our own recovery from enabling, persecuting and suffering codependent behaviors. We also learn what to do when we don’t know what to do! You may also be invited to join in therapy sessions.

In our Family Education/Process groups we learn the language of recovery which helps us feel a new sense of hope and healing for ourselves and our family relationships!

We urge you to consider attending our complimentary family group education classes and 12 step/al-anon meetings for at least six months to achieve the maximum results of the gift of recovery for yourself and family for generations to come!

A Letter to Extended Family

Dear Family Member of an Addicted Loved One,

Here is a list of excellent resources to help you know what to do when you don’t know what to do. As you might have come to realize, your best efforts have not worked up to this point; the disease of addiction can be baffling and complex for both the family member and their addicted loved one.

It is crucial that we learn how to be an appropriate support person to our addicted loved one so that we are not innocently contributing to the cycle of addiction. We often observe clients in treatment, who have worked very hard on their recovery, graduate and return to homes and relationships with the same former family dynamics and interactional patterns prior to treatment. This can be very problematic and often leads to relapse. One of the highest observed reasons for relapse is relationship conflict; typically, the parental or spousal relationship. Addiction is a symptom of underlying causes and conditions that impacts relationships. The good news is that your personal willingness to learn about recovery truly impacts the long-term success of your addicted loved one.

Recovery at the Renaissance Ranch is an opportunity for all adult family members to learn recovery principles and practices that will contribute to the overall well-being of BOTH the family member and the addicted loved one. Family members will begin using the same recovery language, skills and tools as their loved one in treatment and become more unified with their loved one through their personal recovery efforts.

If we want to encourage long term sobriety in our loved ones, it is essential that we ponder the following question: “Is there anything in my attitude, thoughts, beliefs or behaviors toward my addicted loved one that could be contributing to an unhealthy relationship with him/her?” In family group we learn to recognize negative codependency patterns and empower positive interactions in our relationships and personal lives. It is true that families who choose to recover together, heal together!

The good news is that we see huge success in Renaissance Ranch clients who have family members who are determined to not give up and are willing to become educated in the recovery process. We also see success in addicted-affected relationships when family members engage in the 12 steps of recovery as a framework to understanding their role as a healthy and effective support person for their addicted family member. Family members in recovery are often surprised at how much they grow personally!

Why Families Need Recovery

Addiction impacts families. It reveals negative emotions, thought patterns, and behaviors that can cripple sacred family relationships for the addicted and the afflicted. As spouses, parents, and friends of addicted loved ones, the best thing we can do to restore a relationship is to work on our own recovery from those destructive patterns.

Many of us have been informed about spiritual and physical healing but have yet to learn about the profound peace and serenity that comes from working the principles of emotional and relational healing.

Letting God In

We must do our part before the miracle manifests in our lives. Being willing to learn and practice recovery principles goes a long way. With time and diligence, miracles will come.

God honors humility, commitment, work, and action.

When recovery seems too hard and we want to give up on our loved ones or our relationships, God is there to lift us as long as we are willing to work and hold on to him. He will help introduce entire families to greater clarity, healing, and joy.