Our Process

Here at Renaissance Ranch, we offer a unique, clinically-driven approach to addiction recovery. Part of that process includes gender-specific therapeutic environments. It has been our experience that a male-only facility provides the appropriate setting for men to deal directly with their substance abuse issues. We offer a true continuum of care based on gospel principles and the 12 steps, focusing on custom treatment for each individual based on their progress and individual needs Every person’s journey to addiction recovery is unique. However, the breakdown of phases for individuals and their families usually follow this pattern:

Phase 1

Make the call

The first step is to contact us. Call us at 1-866-754-1224 for a pre-assessment review. You can share with us what your situation is and then we can work with you or your loved one to schedule an assessment.

Phase 1: Make the call
Phase 2: Assessment

Phase 2


The next step is to schedule an assessment. The assessment is a very key part of the process because we determine the level of addiction of you or your loved one and then determine the corresponding level of treatment. Our staff is highly trained and very experienced at assessing and diagnosing addiction according to the standards set by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). Part of the assessment process includes determining if medical detoxification is necessary.

Phase 3


At Renaissance Ranch, we require detoxification prior to admission for people who have been using excessive amounts of alcohol, opiates and/or benzodiazepines. If detoxification is required, we will admit you to our on-site detox center or can make the appropriate referral to one of our partner detoxification centers. We prefer to handle detoxification at our facility, but occasionally may refer you to our partners, depending on the case. Detoxification can take anywhere from 2-14 days depending on the person, the amount of substance they have been taking, and the length of time they have been using. During the detoxification process, we will monitor your blood levels, as well as evaluate both your physical and mental health. Attempting to detox on your own can be dangerous, and we don’t recommend taking a cold turkey approach. Once we have determined that you or your loved one has met the requirements for residential treatment and has been cleared by a medical professional, the next step is our residential treatment program. For more information about detoxification, click here.

Phase 3: Detoxification
Phase 4: Residential Treatment

Phase 4

Residential Treatment

At our residential program, you or your loved one will experience group, individual and service work therapy. These methods of therapy are delivered within a therapeutic living environment for alcohol and drug treatment. You or your loved one will reside in a beautiful, spacious home and will assist in daily living tasks. Housing, meals, and other life necessities are fully-included. Our program revolves around the 12 Steps and the Therapeutic Community Model. It relies upon peers appropriately assisting each other in the recovery process. The Therapeutic Community is based upon three major principles:

  • Personal Integrity
  • Group Integrity
  • Staff Integrity

During the final three weeks of the residential program, you or your loved one will be provided with intensive case management that assists you in finding jobs, housing, transportation and federal assistance where appropriate.

Phase 5

Continuing Care & Recovery Coaching

Continuing Care involves advanced group therapy that addresses long-term sobriety maintenance and related issues. This is a key part of the program that helps you or your loved one step down from the intensity of Residential Treatment but still provides therapy, structure, rules and expectations. This program is included with residential services. There are three key elements to Continuing Care:

  • You will be randomly drug tested
  • Maintain your own residence (preferably you will be living in one of our licensed sober living facilities)
  • You will attend evening sessions that include advanced group therapy as well as the alumni meeting.
Phase 5: Continuing care and recovery coaching
Phase 6: Lifetime guarantee

Phase 6

Lifetime Guarantee 

We offer treatment services for life. At Renaissance Ranch we understand that recovery is a lifelong process of spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental change. To support that philosophy we offer treatment and continuing care for life! All of our services are available to individuals and family who follow our clinical recommendations through completion. If and when an individual graduates our program in it’s entirety, they recieve a lifetime guarantee. We don’t charge for any future services if needed. We stand by our program! If an individual follows our recommendation their life WILL change, and lasting, joyful recovery will be attained.

Phase 7

Alumni Events Our Credo “The Brotherhood”

Renaissance Ranch invites and encourages all Alumni to maintain involvement in our Alumni program. A Wednesday evening 12 step Alumni meeting is held in “The Loft” on the Bluffdale men’s campus and it begins at 7 pm. The Alumni group is also involved in hikes, softball, golf tournaments etc. Continued interaction with our very strong Alumni program provides a significant support structure as you or your loved one begins to move forward into his recovery.

Phase 7: Alumni events

Call To Learn More

If you or a loved one suffers from the horrors of substance abuse, then don’t wait for the problem to get worse before you try to make it better. It is crucial for individuals dealing with addiction to seek help as soon as possible, so that they can find themselves on a path towards lasting recovery. Give our caring team a call today to learn more